Sunday, June 27, 2010

japanese quiz preparation/mind

I having japanese quiz later on 1.30pm, but I am now just start my prepare at 9am, oh my god, I using 50minutes to study and memories well only 20 katakana word ?!lol, but it is alright, learning a new language is nt an easy task, even late 3 week enter the class, but tis is nt an excuse for me, I must try harder to do it ^^ I can make it, japanese is fun, at least I think so, I have much interest about it, hopefully I can memories all before the quiz start ^^Good luck to me , thx ^^

Today I am still wake up on 4am, but different is I have go back sleep again from 7to9am, it make me feel good ^^ however, I found that I am still wishing to know how u all view on me? Am I annoying to u all sometime? Is tat really tot me is gay? Are u all really tot me is spannar? but soon I stop all these thinking because somebody have told me not to think so much before, so I just change and tell myself tat I know I am not at least to myself, I didnt disobey my 良心^^ Hope always if I still trust on myself, so tat is my feel today morning^^

I will stop my writting here, now I am going to take my breakfast and continue my preparation for japanese quiz , goodbye , c ya ^^

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